Thursday, September 18, 2014

Step by step

We've definitely had a lot of fun recently getting to show off some of our materials and we are definitely pumped for Illuxcon this weekend. Two of our artists will be attending this con with a very extremely limited free gift for visitors to their booth, as well as having a very special poster on display we've prepared just for this event!

We're hopeful that everyone will fall in love with our characters and art as much as we have, and it truly is thanks to the hard work, dedication, and many hours put in not only by our team: but especially by our wonderful conceptual artist Perry Santulli. None of our characters would have the life they do without his creative mind!

We are about to enter the last stages of our preparations for our funding campaign, and we hope that those of you who have been following us will be some of the key foundations of our supporters.

On a different note: I do want to briefly touch on some of the recent blogs, debates, and general rage going around the internet about "Gamers are dead" etc etc. I do not believe this is true at all. I believe some poor decisions have been made in the industry especially regarding walled content, selling off critical / core content as console exclusives, and the general spam of trash games due to the ease of publication.

We could have easily taken the route of publishing a small mobile game, or just an easy one-off project to make a few bucks and hope it doesn't ruin our reputation. This is not our path.

We have chosen to aim for greatness, we have made the first steps towards delivering something truly magical and wonderful into the world. It's highly ambitious, very robust, a veritable sh17-ton of work, and ya know what? I believe wholeheartedly every moment, every model, every meeting, every ounce of hope we have instilled in this venture will be well rewarded and received - especially in this time of chaos among sects of the gaming community.

When a publisher releases trash and someone buys it, then spreads the word it's trash it is a step towards looking bad on developers as a whole. When it happens to be an independent developer the result and the impact it has on us in a very big way.

We have to prove our worth and our value to our fans and our consumers: We aim to exceed this goal in our presentation, our quality, and our content.

I believe the heart of gaming and gamers will outlast, and we truly believe that we can be a reason that hope endures for the future of the industry. However, we can only do that and make those steps with your support.

Thank you all so much for your excitement, and dedication to both us and to the very heart of gaming as an industry and as the source of our ambition.

To show a bit of thanks, I'm going to be both very nice and yet very very mean. Not as mean as that puzzle we released.. that was a doozy to even create. Here is a sneak very mean peek at our Illuxcon items just for you blog followers:

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